Our success and company history.

About Us Wallpapier

Wallpapier has completed 20 years in the sector and is the biggest wallpaper importer & Exporter of it's region.
Wallpapier presents more than 100.000 different styles where close followers of wallpaper.
Fashion can find the latest design is the first firm of the region working on a stock approach for Digital paper imported from Europe.

You can decorate your walls with the latest trend, fashionable patterns and visuals, your wallpaper is custom made to suit you wall with size and location you want.

High Quality Paper
Our printing papers are non-woven paper and self adhesive (folio), carefully selected for Muravie productions.

Wallpapier non-woven wall murals and self adhesive(folio) are odourless and easy to remove, it helps sound and heat insulation

It is harmless to human health and nature with environmentally friendly Latex printing technique.

Can be used easily in Office and living areas without the need for ventilation.

Water based paints and papers are %100 recyclable.

High Resolution
Products are produced in high resolution with the highest quality detail.

Wallpapier wall poster @ 2020


Great design

Great design

Great quality

Great quality

Eco friendly

Eco friendly

Free shipping

Free worldwide shipping